An integral part of Department of Environment, the Biodiversity Conservation Laboratory (BCL) was officially established in 1994. BCL’s role is twofold; a) to study ecological processes related to global change dynamics, to understand mechanisms controlling the generation and maintenance of biodiversity and b) to develop regional sustainable development cases, methodologies, protocols and techniques.
The quantity and quality of BCL’s work is second to none in Greece as measured by several useful ‘performance indicators’. BCL has succeeded, after only a few years of operation, to develop several international cooperation programmes and to participate in forefront research in Europe, competitively funded by the European Union: as an example, the BIODEPTH project has been applauded as a landmark study in ecology, and BCL was nominated together with its partners among the seven finalists for the European Science Award, The Descartes Prize 2001.
The Biodiversity Conservation Laboratory (BCL) has participated and participates in a series of research projects of basic and applied research funded by international and national bodies. BCL has acquired an extensive network of partnerships with major institutions in Europe and Greece:
· Study of acute and chronic physiological and behavioral response of small mammals in stressful stimuli, using non-invasive methods in field sampling conditions (2020-2021, Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning” (NSRF) – 2014-2020)
· Carbon fluxes across a post-fire chronosequence in Pinus brutia Ten forests.(2020-2021, Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning” (NSRF) – 2014-2020)
· An integrative framework for the study of alien flora (2020-2021, Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning” (NSRF) – 2014-2020)
· HRAKLEITOS II (Study of the genetic structure of sheep breed of Lesvos: 2011-2013), Ministry of Education / EU (NSRF 2007-2013)
· HRAKLEITOS II (Serpentine ecology: ecosystem processes, plant functional traits and nickel accumulation and tolerance in the serpentine endemic Ni-hyperaccumulator Alyssum lesbiacum: 2011-2013), Ministry of Education / EU (NSRF 2007-2013)
· SCALES (Securing the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative Levels and spatial, temporal, and Ecological Scales: FP7 IP Project 2009-2014)
· BIOBUS (Biodiversity Resources for Innovative Business Development: 2006-2008)
· PENED 2003 (Methods and Tools in management of the rural environment: 2005-2008), GSRT.
· NAIAS (North Aegean Innovative Actions & Support: 2002-2004)
· BIOPLATFORM (Thematic Network for Biodiversity Research Strategy: 2002-2005)
· EPIDEMIE (Effect of biological invasions in Mediterranean island ecosystems: 2000-2004)
· AVEC (Vulnerability of ecosystems to global change: 2001-2005)
· SMERNA (Strategic Mentoring Initiative for the Region of North Aegean: 2004-2005)
· BIO-FORUM (Social Conflict on Biodiversity 2000-2004)
· RITTS / INA (Innovation in the North Aegean: 2000-2002)
· RICAMARE (Concerted Action for the Mediterranean in global change research: 1998-2002)
· EMPOST-NET (Social Network Partners for Sustainability: 1997-2000)
· ECOWET (Economic and ecological assessment of wetlands: 1996-1999)
· BIODEPTH (Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: 1996-1998)