Dr Antonis Skouloudis is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Environment (University of the Aegean/UoA) and a member of the Laboratory for Environmental Policy & Strategic Environmental Management. He holds a PhD in Corporate Social & Environmental Responsibility and an MSc in Environmental Policy and Management. His current research interests focus on circular economy perspectives, industrial ecology and on linking the resilience capacity of the small and medium-sized enterprises with environmental perturbations with the aim of developing composite metrics that may inform policy design and strategic management. He is an expert in corporate sustainability performance, green accounting and reporting and aspects of environmental management in small and medium-sized enterprises.
He has published over 40 papers in peer-review journals with more than 900 citations (Google Scholar; h-index: 18 & i10-index: 21) and over the years he has worked in various research projects focusing on diverse perspectives of organizational sustainability, circular economy, nonfinancial accounting and reporting as well as organizational responsibility issues, such as the development and implementation of dynamic corporate sustainability strategies, the analysis and evaluation of business-specific climate, resource and biodiversity risks and opportunities, the composite measurement of sustainability performance of business entities, organizational accounting and reporting practices as well as third-party verification of business sustainability performance metrics and relevant accountability practices.
Over the past few years Dr Skouloudis has amassed a level of expertise on various scientific tools and techniques employed in the fields of environmental and social management in Greek enterprises, e.g. sustainability balanced scorecard, benchmarking techniques, composite indicators development, system dynamics, SWOT analysis and normative environmental accounting techniques. In this respect, he is currently placing emphasis on research perspectives pertaining to sustainability in higher education and the knowledge-transfer of the concept of strong sustainability to key stakeholders wishing to influence the impact of future actions and policies of business entities.
2014: PhD in Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Management
Department of Environment, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, Greece
2007: MSc in Environmental Policy and Management
Department of Environment, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, Greece
2005: BA (Ptychion) in Economic Sciences
Department of Economic Sciences, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Current position
12/2017-today: Assistant Professor
Department of Environment, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, Greece
9/2017-today: Visiting faculty
Henley Business School, University of Reading, United Kingdom
Previous positions
09/2016-09/2017: Lecturer
Henley Business School, University of Reading, United Kingdom
02/2017-07/2017: Adjunct Lecturer
Department of Environment, University of the Aegean, Lesvos, Greece
An excerpt of papers published in peer-reviewed journals
Leal Filho, W., Skouloudis, A., Brandli, L. L., Salvia, A. L., Avila, L. V., & Rayman-Bacchus, L. (2019). Sustainability and procurement practices in higher education institutions: Barriers and drivers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 231, 1267-1280.
Halkos G. & Skouloudis A. (2019) Investigating resilience barriers of small and medium-sized enterprises to flash floods: A quantitle regression of determining factors. Climate and Development, accepted for publication.
Skouloudis A., Malesios C. & Dimitrakopoulos P. (2019) Corporate biodiversity accounting and reporting in mega-diverse countries: An examination of indicators disclosed in sustainability reports. Ecological Indicators, in press
Halkos G., Skouloudis A., Malesios C. & Evangelinos K. (2018) Bouncing back from extreme weather events: Some preliminary findings on resilience barriers facing small and medium-sized enterprises. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(4), 547-559.
Malesios C., Dey P.K., Skouloudis A., Abdelaziz F.B. & Evangelinos K. (2018). The impact of SME sustainability practices and performance on economic growth from a managerial perspective: Some modeling considerations and empirical analysis results. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(7), 960-972.
Halkos G. & Skouloudis A. (2018) Corporate social responsibility and innovative capacity: Intersection in a macro-level perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 182, 291-300.
Dsouli O., Khan N., Kakabadse N.K. & Skouloudis A. (2017). Mitigating the Davos dilemma: towards a global self-sustainability index. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 1-18.
Skouloudis A., Jones N., Evangelinos K., Roumeliotis S. & Graig A. Industrial pollution, spatial stigma and economic decline: The case of Asopos river basin through the lens of local small business owners. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, dx.doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2016.1243519.
Halkos G. & Skouloudis A. (2016) Exploring the current status and key determinants of corporate disclosure on climate change: Evidence from the Greek business sector. Environmental Science and Policy 56(February): 22-31.