Schaelicke Dirk is a scientific Engineer with Degree in Process and Environmental Engineering (1995), University of Applied Sciences of Berlin, Germany, specializing in Biological Process Engineering. He is a holder of a MSc degree in Environmental Policy and Management (University of the Aegean, Greece) since 2005. He has over 10 years of technical experience in Wastewater treatment plant construction projects working (employee/ free-lancing) for private construction companies in Patra and on Lesvos Island. From 2001 to 2004 he was Responsible for the operation of the Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plant of Mytilene, Lesvos Island. He has been a member of the Waste Management Laboratory scientific research team at the University of the Aegean since 2000. Here he obtained a wide experience in project management tools and the work on project deliverables due to his participation in a number of EU-financed waste management research projects. His research interests mainly include the aspects of waste management and utilization of biological by-products as well as the implementation of environmental policies. His special focus is on the issues of industrial liquid waste management and wastewater treatment processes. He lives and works in Mytilene, Greece. Since 2017 he holds the position of a Laboratory Technical Assistant at the Environmental Engineering sector of the Department of Environmental Studies, University of the Aegean.