Pr. Nikolaos Alexopoulos graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Thessaly in 1998. He successfully completed the annual postgraduate program European Laser Engineer of the Technical University of Vienna. He was awarded a PhD from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics of the University of Patras in 2004. His doctoral research included the development of a methodology for the evaluation of cast aluminum alloys for aeronautical applications. During the period of his doctoral studies in 1999-2002 he received a scholarship from the General Secretariat of Research and Technology of the Ministry of Development within the framework of the PRO program. Conducted (2005-2007) postdoctoral research at the National Technical University of Athens on the degradation of the structural integrity of aviation materials and components due to corrosion with a scholarship of the State Scholarship Foundation (IKY). From 2007 to 2010 he was a research associate of the Department of Research and Development of the Hellenic Aviation Industry (EAV) and participated in National and European competitive research programs. From 2006 to 2014 he taught at the Department of Financial and Management Engineering (TMOD) of the University of the Aegean as a Visiting Professor. 407/80. In 2014 he was appointed Lecturer at TMOD where he continues to serve as Associate Professor from April 2021. He has published more than 50 articles in scientific journals with Hirsch-index = 19 (June 2021) and has presented more than 100 articles in National and International scientific conferences. He has participated in more than 20 National and European research projects. In May and July 2018 he was elected as a member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Society of Experimental Materials Engineering (EEPMY) and the EURopean ASsociation for Experimental Mechanics (EURASEM), respectively.