Dr. N Fyllas is a mechanical engineer (National Technical University of Athens) and holds a PhD in ecological modelling from the Dept. of Environment – University of the Aegean. He was a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Biology – Uni of Athens, at the Earth and Biosphere Institute - University of Leeds (Marie-Curie IEF) and at the Environmental Change Institute - University of Oxford. Nikos was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Research School of Biological Sciences - Australian National University (2009), and at the School of Geography and the Environment - University of Oxford (2014, 2017-2018). Before joining the Dept of Environment, Nikos was a permanent researcher in “Forest Informatics” (Hellenic Agricultural Organization). His research fields include Ecosystem Ecology, Global Change and the Ecological/Ecosystem Modelling. He serves as an associate editor in two peer-reviewed journals and has published >50 research papers.