Vasiliki Athanasiadou is an Environmental scientist who graduated from the Department of Environment of the University of the Aegean. As part of the Undergraduate Program, she participated in an internship program, which took place at the General Chemical State Laboratory. In addition, she conducted a research paper entitled " Valorization of human urine for the production of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis. At the same time, she holds pedagogical & didactic competence as an Environmentalist. She is currently pursuing a Postgraduate Program in Global Environmental Change, Management and Technology at the University of the Aegean with a major in Research in Environmental Sciences. She has also participated in a research project as a collaborator entitled "Analysis of Materials in Solid Waste". Her research interests focus on the field of Circular Economy and in particular, on the valorization of liquid waste for the production of cyanobacteria.