Yiannis G. Matsinos is a Professor in the Department of Environment University of the Aegean (Lesvos, Greece) since 1997. He holds a PhD from the University of Tennessee (Knoxville), on theoretical Ecology, a M.Sc., on BioMathematics (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) and a B.Sc. on mathematics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. His fields of research expertise are, Acoustic Ecology, Soundscape Ecology, Ecoacoustics, Computational Ecology – Mathematical Modelling, Risk Assessment, Statistical and quantitative methods for wetland management (Everglades NationalPark), Landscape Ecology, Mathematical Biology, Quantitative Conservation Ecology, Development and application of individual based models in Population Biology, Dynamical Systems Theory and Modelling for Sustainable Tourism. His teaching and professional experience regards Structure, Dynamics and Management of Ecosystems with emphasis on Statistical methods.
Selected Publications
Matsinos Y., Tsaligopoulos A. (2018). Hot Spots of Ecoacoustics in Greece and the Issue of Background Noise, Journal of Ecoacoustics, DOI: 10.22261/JEA10.22261/JEA.U3XBIY
Matsinos Y., Tsaligopoulos A., Economou C. (2017), Identifying the Quiet Areas of a Small Urban Setting: The Case of Mytilene, Global Nest Journal, 19(4), 674-681, doi: https://doi.org/10.30955/gnj.001817
Matsinos Y., Tsaligopoulos A., Economou C. (2016), The interdisciplinary development of the term “soundscape”. Tracing its ecological roots. Aejes journal, 2(1), 11-23, http://www.env.aegean.gr/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Matsinos-et-al_AEJES_2016.pdf